
This Time Around, April 14, 2009

Many thoughts and praises. Suns and moons. Stars and clouds. Waves and rocks. Times they are a changing, for the good or for the worse, one will soon know.

Quickly I don’t know what is happening in me

Quickly I don’t know who I ‘am

Quickly I don’t recognize anything from the day when I once was.

I question myself what changed in me

Today I question where I am going

Maybe the answers don’t exist to the questions that I wanted answered.

This time I go looking for the heart

This time I’ll try it again

This time I’ll try and make it right

If life gives me one more opportunity.

Quickly I don’t know what is happening here

Quickly I don’t know who I’ am

Maybe the answers don’t exist to the questions that I wanted answered.

This time I don’t want another illusion

This time I’ll try it again

This time I’ll try and make it right

If life gives me one more opportunity.