Fruitful Trees, September 22, 2009

               I am surrounded by many beautiful women. A plethora of visible sustenance enters me where ever I look. I, a single and eligible man, have a lot of choices in life. I can be with whoever I would like to be, but I find myself bewildered as to which direction I would like to go, this mango. Or even this avocado, but that orange looks juicy too. What was the phrase, “water; water everywhere, but not a drop to drink?”

                I see plenty of ripe fruits, but starvation is sure to come to me soon. I see diamonds more crystalline than the rivers and streams that flow so bountifully here. I cannot stand this thirst anymore. My skin is dehydrated and life is passing me by.

                I am surrounded by animals that speak to me, thru feathers of emerald, blue and white. I am surrounded by women so beautiful, dark, tall, blond, black and red hair.

I have never lost company, but now I find myself that it is only just me, just me, only to me.

8/6/2010 01:51:06 pm

A novel is a mirror walking along a main road.


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