
I Triple Dog Dare You! February 3, 2009

                I was young little buck. Just hanging out in the neighborhood doing what I could, and a bunch of stuff I couldn’t. Having tons of fun just riding around on the bikes. It was either jumping on the handle bars or hopping on the pegs. Tossing the pigskin around. Cruising the complex. Just a young kid of 13 looking for something to do. Having water fights with balloons we “bought” from the ice cream man. Then later playing some hide and seek till it was too dark to find a place to hide. Or until mom called me in to dinner. Just a bunch of kids, doing what kids do. July brought fireworks, and baseball games. Swimming at the public pool, and flirting with all the girls we were too afraid to talk to any other time. Sitting in the shade watching the cars go by. Shooting the breeze on a hot summer day.

                The happiness that is childhood always brings a smile to my face. I loved my life as a young kid, the life that didn’t know the difference between a tax return and a paycheck. My job was to grow, learn and have fun. Doing anything else would be frowned upon by others, immediately casting you away to the deepest, loneliest part of the playground. It was the code of the school yard. You don’t snitch; you don’t back down to dares (and yes you never back down from a triple dog dare!). Girls had coodies, and did not know how to play sports. School work was an exaggerated waste of time that took away from our precious play time. Who cares about learning cursive, we have a handball game in 10 minutes!

                Ok fine we are all “adults” now. You don’t have to remind me. But it is always good to remember what you once were. As I have always said, it doesn’t matter where you are headed, as long as you see where you just were. So what I am saying is, drop the pen, turn off the computer and head over to chucky cheese for some skeet ball!