
20 Days, May 6, 2009

After 20 days of “vacation”, what more can I say about this city. I’m still just in complete amazement of how large this city is and what it has done to me. I love going places to where I have no idea of what to expect and love being surprised at every experience. Yet I love going back to places to where I have been before and love all the things that make me want to come back.

Granted to that hard core Chateau D’if fans (all one of you) that have been in withdraws these past 20 days, I apologize. But there was no way that I could justify writing each day living in New York every day, it would not be fare to the city and its people. There was just too much to absorb and explain all in the same day.

Be it the amazing architecture or the amazing people, one, or be it me, will never know. Nor do I care, but this city is amazing. It is truly the center of art and culture in the new world. These unique New York institutions and people that have survived the harsh caprices of style and taste that are still worth going out of one’s way to visit and talk to. It is a place to see. A place to talk about in every manner. The place to eat and drink the night away. To toast those wishbones that hang on the chandelier that will never be broken. The place to lie in the grass and smile at all the sun deprived people.

It is here where history has been written. Here where surely the world changed. Here where surely things will happen that will affect the world as a whole. Here the places of never ending sights and smells. Here the place of millions of people with their own personal goal and story.

I won’t try and disappoint those that live here with a quick page summarization of what their city is. I won’t provide that injustice. All I can do is hope that one day, those that read this will be able to enjoy this place as much as I have. To experience that is which to experience. To toast to the same things I did, to laugh at the same jokes and to breathe the same air. And while riding the subway, enjoy this quote from my man Shakespeare as much as I did.

“How many goodly creatures are there here!

How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,

That has such people in it!”

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