
Death to Political Parties! February 16, 2009

So I have tried to stay away from talking politics here at the Chateau, but I guess it is an unavoidable reality. Here is my take on politics today, and before you all run away and decided you would rather be in a dentist chair then read about politics, just hear me out and I’ll try to keep it somewhat tolerable.

                I hate how the great idea of democracy has become nothing but a one sided farce on our society. Let’s face it, there are two political parties, Democrats and Republicans (and for the record I am neither but I still voted for Obama).  Most will claim that the need for separate parties in congress provided a more diverse argumentative environment, in which all voices of the people can be heard. But think about it, there is no such thing as diversity in politics. If you are a Democrat, you vote like other Democrats, and the same can be said for Republicans. You need not guess how a bill will be passed, you need not look farther than the last bill voted on, and odds on favor, it will be the same outcome every time.  Case in point, in a local city council, comprised of 9 council members, every vote was 5 votes to 4. Every single vote was the same outcome, 5 Republicans and 4 democrats, each member voting with their respective party lines. Not only does it make politics even more of a bore, it does no good for the supposed “voice of the people,” our voice, not being heard. All this voting along party lines needs to stop.

                If I vote for a politician to represent me, I want him or she to do what would be right for me, not what is best for their party. I can’t think of any politician that goes against the industry standard to do the right thing and vote in favor of their constituents. You think that someone would vote to do the right thing for the country, instead being eager to further their career? It is that hard to believe.

                Another example, more recent is this Stimulus Package. In this past election, all I heard was how important it was for democrats to win a certain number of seats to avoid a filibuster by the republicans. Filibustering is a prime example of how politicians do not vote for what the people want, but only what they want. “Hey! Here is an idea, lets slow down the political process even more by all voting the same to stop a bill from passing, that way the bill sits in congress for another 5 years and we can get the changes we want later!” Brilliant!

                I do not belong to any political party nor will I ever. I do this for the fact that I will not let a group of people determine how I will express my opinion. I will not vote for a person just because they have a “D” or an “R” after their name. I will vote for what I think is right, I thought Obama was the right person, for this time, and what needed to be done. In four years, if that turns out to be the wrong choice I will vote for the next best thing for that time even if that has an “R”.

So here is what I ask all of you that read this to consider (and I know there both die hard democrats and republicans that read this), please vote for what you think is right, for you and your family. Donkeys and Elephants alike lay down your arms and try to embrace something different in your political policy. Republicans, homosexuality is not the end of the world. Democrats, wars are sometimes the answer. Now, let’s all learn to share our toys and play nice. Rant over. Thank You.       

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