
I Welcome The World. January 26, 2009

        I have spoken a lot about love and cultural ambiguity in this here blog. And I want to add to my loves, for those of you playing The Chateau D’if home game add another one to the list! I have lived most of my life in southern California. I have studied many things and have experienced many emotions and feelings. I have seen all of what this part of the world has to offer to me. I have loved it and I know it well.  But what I want, what is most important to me, is my need for more knowledge. I want more to see and more to live. I grave to see the world and learn all that it has to give. I want to meet the world. I desire to shake the hands of every person and hear their story. Because that is life to me; to see the many colors and hear the diverse sounds, taste all the flavors and smell all aromas. I love all of life’s randomness. I am a strong believer in introducing people to other people and introducing myself to others. I think I have a pretty good memory and love remembering different people and where I have met them. If I had my way I would introduce everyone in the whole world to each other. This being my meager attempt to create world peace, hey if could work, why not?

There is no need to understand others, their nationalities, cultures or believes. No need to become an expert in each variety of life.  I just need to respect what they are and what they do. Respect is the rudimentary concept of human fulfillment. Respect is created from tolerance and respect can one day become love. And you know what I feel about love. I can never really understand what people truly are. I can only learn to love what they do.I love history and the roots that have grown deep into every culture and person. 

I have learned to leave myself and inhibitions vulnerable to what roots grow under my feet. I want all of them to just climb up my leg and infuse my entire way of being.  It more than just this pure want to have a vacation, which I just happen to be wanting very badly these days, it is more than that. It is something that fills me, something more than sitting on a beach having a beer, oh man that sounds good right now! But no! It is more than that. I think it is pure unadulterated envy. I hate knowing that there are billions of different places to be and I can’t be at all of them. Or I will never be able to. I wish I lived in the times of old when it was expected for a man of my age to travel and see the world. That was education. Seeing the world was your Cultural Diversity Humanities class. Sign me up.

I look at what the rest of the world has to offer, and it is more than what my little corner of California has. I see magic. I see wonders that equal more than the great 8, or is it 9 now, I can never keep track. The thing is that I leave myself open to you world! Here I am, waiting for the invitation to explore, feel and love all that you have to offer. Bring it on. Sooner better than later if you don’t mind!

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