
It’s Electric! January 21, 2009

                You know, lately, I have been talking a lot about the many breathtaking elements that this life has to offer to all of us. And I am NEVER one to think of how much life sucks. How life brings all of its ingredients to one pivotal point in time and creates life. Who knows how many different ingredients it takes to make you and me? Your neighbor, your friend and your enemy; who knows? And who cares? It is like eating at a fast food restaurant and not caring how the food is made, only caring that it tastes so good. And as I have said before, there has to be a reason for everything, a reason to hope for more. The fact is that people are what they are for a reason. And they tend to act how they act for the same reason. That reason may not be in our lives working as a prime motivator, but if you look back and hard enough you can find it.

                But in reality, we are the same. We are all born in this same earth, and breathe the same air. All made from the same things. All filled with the same emotions. Is it really cultural differences more than it is cultural similarities? I find myself smiling when I see a culture not the same as mine, that has its similarities to my own. And it makes me happy. Happy to know that, if I could travel across the world, I could laugh and cry with a complete stranger. I am glad that there is someone in this world that is not like me. I know who I am, at least I think I do, and I want to learn who others are.

                I remember I went to a conference in the Midwest a few years ago. A conference that brought people from all over the world, to one place, to share and learn from each other. I was amazed to see how alike we all are. How much I related to a high school senior from Germany, and how he compared to a worker from Iran. It all came to fruition, when at this conference there was a dance (great times by the way!) and kids from all over the United States, Germany, Iran, Asia, Africa, The Middle East, and all other corners of the world, new the same dance to a song! Its funny how music works doesn’t it?

                I guess what I am trying to say is that; you should not shun the next foreigner you come across. Because they are not as different as you or I. They too are just people, living each day. Doing what they do to live.

 All you really need to do to understand them, is take them to the nearest bar, buy a pint and put on the Electric Slide! World peace at last!

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