
A Life Without Sex, February 17, 2009

                Well, is it possible? A question that I pose to you, can you live without sex? ( and a quick side note, for those of you that still remain as pure as the day you were born, please proceed to the post of… oh I don’t know, let’s say the baseball one!). Anyhow, it’s not a thing I am considering, however today dating game is has considerably diminishing my need for the company of the female species. No I bring it up because I saw a show last night about a man, a simple man, not a person of faith or any particular social upbringing, had decided to live without the “urge of the flesh,” as he called it. And it made me wonder, like many things do, if I could do it, or not do it, however you see it. Short answer, no, I don’t think I would be able to live without sex.

                Now before all of you decided to call me out as a sex addict, take note that, one I have gone without sex for long periods of time just fine, still with the natural need to want it, but living just fine none the less. Two, to be perfectly honest, it has been almost 6 months since I last had sex (there is a nice tid bit for you!). It is that natural feeling that I can say almost all human beings have. That primal urge that comes to us since the days we learned that, “it” goes in “there.” Sorry for the graphics, but sex is sex, no need to add a degree of censorship to an everyday emotion that we all know about.

                Breaking it down to pure science and evolutionary thinking, we all need to have sex. Not every minute of every day, but when, when necessary I would think is the best way to put it. Having sex, feels great, for those of you that don’t know, it brings you to sense of humanity, I would say. To know that you are participating in a ritual of love making, yes I said love making, dating back since the beginning of time. Heck if you think about it, sex was the first thing ever done on this earth.

                Sex makes us all feel great; it is both a simplistic and complicated act of humanity that emphasizes the great emotional dam that is built up through time and feelings. A night of sex is dangerous, but if who ever created it, had not made it feel so good, none of us would be here.

So, can YOU live without sex?

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