
My Escape February 23, 2009

                Ok, I have to admit that I took some time off from the Chateau for a few days. Not because I had nothing to write about, or that I have been swamped with work last week, it is because I needed a break from the norm.

                There I was, living how I live. Doing what I do every day to get by. Not being able to change, not able to break free from reality. Yes I know I still need really want a vacation, but that had no factor on my decision on taking a break from writing. What I like to do is to make some sort of change in my life, every week. It is a little concept that came to my head a few years ago. A change so big, that I will never be the same, or one so small that you would hardly notice anything different of me. It doesn’t matter; I just need to change something about me.

 I love most of the stuff that I do, I try not to leave very many doubts or regrets as life goes by me. What I try to do, if I have regret, is learn from it. I don’t dwell on what could have been or what I should have done, I think forward, I learn not from my mistakes, I learn from what I know what I should do. If that makes any sense…

So, why do I do it? Well, I love to know that I can change. Knowing that I can escape. I don’t have to be satisfied with the everyday norm. I complain about not getting a vacation just about every day, and knowing me, I will complain more after I have one, but if you look at it, I take a vacation from some aspect of my life every week, and I really take pleasure from. But I must make a confession, I decided to face a fear this past week, for my weekly change, but I couldn’t do it. What I wanted to do was to go up to some random person, a complete stranger, and try to have a conversation with them. I know, I am breaking some of my own rules from a past post, where I boastfully Welcomed The World, but I just couldn’t do it this week for some reason. I will try harder this week.

Everybody should try it some time. Make a change, from your norm. Buy that fruit you always wanted to try. Ask that one person on a date, that you never had the nerve to do. And my personal favorite, try a new beer from a different country every week. Whatever your change is, make it. And make it everything you want it to be.


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