
My Yearning, March 1, 2009

                Lately I have had an extremely strong urge to do something drastic, nothing that would be advantageous towards me, but a lot of other people or possibly the world. Have you ever had that feeling, that feeling to just go out and make a huge difference in the world? I have been looking at a lot of different things going on in the world, issues that people have, problems that plaque the world, and I get the feeling that I can do something to help, if not fix every problem in the world. Is that too egotistical of me, or is that me just feeling secure in what I am able to do?

                Today this feeling that I have been having has actually made me feel a little frustrated, after I came back to reality and realize that I can’t really do much to help the people I want to help, very disconcerting for me. I want to do something about all these people losing their jobs and not being able to feed their families. I want to go to every country in the world and help those in need of medicine or just a hot meal. I want to walk into the Congress and start barking orders, to finally get things done. I want to do something to make everything better for everyone.

                I… I just want problems to just go away. I don’t know what it is that is making me feel this way; I have some problems in my life right now, but not much to drive me to the extent that I want to change the world.

                I… I don’t know.

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