



Twit, June 19, 2009

            What is it? How is it? What do you eat it with? I have no clue. All I know is that I can’t read the newspaper or read news briefs without seeing that little blue bird.

This is getting out of hand folks. I have stated my points on social networking, but I don’t even know if this twitter tatter falls under that category. The faith of the Iranian government basically relies on this Twitter thing working. Today the US State Department asked the big shots at Twitter to hold an upcoming site update, so they can stay updated on what is happening with this fraud of an election.

I knew this day would come folks. Hide in the bomb shelter and clear out your bank accounts, because a social network holds the faith of the world.

I tried to learn about this Twitter for a while, and I don’t get it. Isn’t it just an email? Or a text message? I asked a friend that uses Twitter to explain to me the difference and she couldn’t do it. I asked how it is different from an instant message, and she was left speechless.

I just hope this all ends in good things. What those good things are, I could only imagine.

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