
Viva La Vida, June 25, 2009

I have talked about this before. I will talk about it for more years to come. Death.  

 Today we were all left taken aback, if not in shock of the passing of the great musician, Michael Jackson. Not only did we lose, the king of pop, we lost another icon, Farrah Fawcett. It seems like this week as been flooded with bad news. I have a family member living his last days, now today.

Death will always be there my friends. No one, not the wealthiest or the happiest, can avoid the ultimate cause of humanity. I mention cause, because it is the existence of death that makes us all live. We must realize that death revolves around life and life revolves around death. “We must live as if there is no tomorrow”, no that old axiom must never be spoken hence forth! We must live because there IS a tomorrow. We have to have that hope; hope that there is a meaning to all of this, that there is better. And that we have a purpose for doing what we do, because as humans we need an explanation for everything, even life. It is not good enough for us to think that we are just here out of a whim in the complexity that is cosmic nature. 

Do we just ask ourselves, “does it get any better than this?” a loaded question if there ever was one. But we are here, and there is better, I have hope that there is better. Call it greed if you want, but life is incredible, and I want more of it. But we are here. We are here to live. That is what life is my friends. Human beings, being human beings; living every day, just to get by. Doing what we do to live they way we live. Life is full of wonders that need assimilation, inclusion into our souls. For if we do not take what this life has to offer, we cannot take those memories and feelings of joy with us to where ever death may take us.

I know, you know, everybody knows that death is a part of life. It’s the big elephant in the room that nobody talks about. You know it’s there, it can show up at any time or place, but you refuse to acknowledge it. Death is…. Well death for me is the reason for living. I must live my life till I can live no more, than and only then will I die. It is not something to be feared, but welcomed as, yes bumper sticker as it sounds, welcomed as life’s next marvelous journey. 

So as we say good bye to Michael Jackson, Ms. Fawcett, we must remember the reason why, they left us, because they had too. The same reason my uncle will leave me soon. The reason we all must say good bye to the sights, smells and music behind. Because we have to.

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