
A Life Without Sex, February 17, 2009

                Well, is it possible? A question that I pose to you, can you live without sex? ( and a quick side note, for those of you that still remain as pure as the day you were born, please proceed to the post of… oh I don’t know, let’s say the baseball one!). Anyhow, it’s not a thing I am considering, however today dating game is has considerably diminishing my need for the company of the female species. No I bring it up because I saw a show last night about a man, a simple man, not a person of faith or any particular social upbringing, had decided to live without the “urge of the flesh,” as he called it. And it made me wonder, like many things do, if I could do it, or not do it, however you see it. Short answer, no, I don’t think I would be able to live without sex.

                Now before all of you decided to call me out as a sex addict, take note that, one I have gone without sex for long periods of time just fine, still with the natural need to want it, but living just fine none the less. Two, to be perfectly honest, it has been almost 6 months since I last had sex (there is a nice tid bit for you!). It is that natural feeling that I can say almost all human beings have. That primal urge that comes to us since the days we learned that, “it” goes in “there.” Sorry for the graphics, but sex is sex, no need to add a degree of censorship to an everyday emotion that we all know about.

                Breaking it down to pure science and evolutionary thinking, we all need to have sex. Not every minute of every day, but when, when necessary I would think is the best way to put it. Having sex, feels great, for those of you that don’t know, it brings you to sense of humanity, I would say. To know that you are participating in a ritual of love making, yes I said love making, dating back since the beginning of time. Heck if you think about it, sex was the first thing ever done on this earth.

                Sex makes us all feel great; it is both a simplistic and complicated act of humanity that emphasizes the great emotional dam that is built up through time and feelings. A night of sex is dangerous, but if who ever created it, had not made it feel so good, none of us would be here.

So, can YOU live without sex?


Death to Political Parties! February 16, 2009

So I have tried to stay away from talking politics here at the Chateau, but I guess it is an unavoidable reality. Here is my take on politics today, and before you all run away and decided you would rather be in a dentist chair then read about politics, just hear me out and I’ll try to keep it somewhat tolerable.

                I hate how the great idea of democracy has become nothing but a one sided farce on our society. Let’s face it, there are two political parties, Democrats and Republicans (and for the record I am neither but I still voted for Obama).  Most will claim that the need for separate parties in congress provided a more diverse argumentative environment, in which all voices of the people can be heard. But think about it, there is no such thing as diversity in politics. If you are a Democrat, you vote like other Democrats, and the same can be said for Republicans. You need not guess how a bill will be passed, you need not look farther than the last bill voted on, and odds on favor, it will be the same outcome every time.  Case in point, in a local city council, comprised of 9 council members, every vote was 5 votes to 4. Every single vote was the same outcome, 5 Republicans and 4 democrats, each member voting with their respective party lines. Not only does it make politics even more of a bore, it does no good for the supposed “voice of the people,” our voice, not being heard. All this voting along party lines needs to stop.

                If I vote for a politician to represent me, I want him or she to do what would be right for me, not what is best for their party. I can’t think of any politician that goes against the industry standard to do the right thing and vote in favor of their constituents. You think that someone would vote to do the right thing for the country, instead being eager to further their career? It is that hard to believe.

                Another example, more recent is this Stimulus Package. In this past election, all I heard was how important it was for democrats to win a certain number of seats to avoid a filibuster by the republicans. Filibustering is a prime example of how politicians do not vote for what the people want, but only what they want. “Hey! Here is an idea, lets slow down the political process even more by all voting the same to stop a bill from passing, that way the bill sits in congress for another 5 years and we can get the changes we want later!” Brilliant!

                I do not belong to any political party nor will I ever. I do this for the fact that I will not let a group of people determine how I will express my opinion. I will not vote for a person just because they have a “D” or an “R” after their name. I will vote for what I think is right, I thought Obama was the right person, for this time, and what needed to be done. In four years, if that turns out to be the wrong choice I will vote for the next best thing for that time even if that has an “R”.

So here is what I ask all of you that read this to consider (and I know there both die hard democrats and republicans that read this), please vote for what you think is right, for you and your family. Donkeys and Elephants alike lay down your arms and try to embrace something different in your political policy. Republicans, homosexuality is not the end of the world. Democrats, wars are sometimes the answer. Now, let’s all learn to share our toys and play nice. Rant over. Thank You.       


That First Kiss, Happy Valentine’s Day! February 14, 2009


                You know, I have had a few relationships in my life. (Yeah I know, pretty shocking right?!) And looking back at all the chaos that a relationship can bring, I really didn’t care what problems I might have had with that person, I still found every moment with them to be something very extraordinary. I know what kind of person I can be when I am with someone that I love.

It all began with a look. Then a smile. Then a slight touch of the hand. Then a kiss. The kiss of relief, that kiss of electricity that brings our souls together. A Kiss that leaves any man senseless, numb and weak in the shoulders. Since that day, a man can never be the same, nothing he does; from that first day he saw her will ever matter more. All life has become a blissful confusion and filled with a silent panic. Because the love of a woman has changed how men live and act. No one thing has ever made men more insecure about himself, feel less significant and still think he is somewhat important.

It is a strong power, which women hold over men. A very strange and dangerous power, which few women realize they possess. But it is there, lingering over the minds and hearts of all us small meaningless creatures called men. But as men, there is little we can do to overpower this spell that has been cast upon us, because it is our foolish and weak hearts that bring the downfall of our own desire. All we must do is remember who we are with, who we love and above all else, just look into their eyes. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the power of love will conquer the deepest of pains. That eternal flame that hides in the hearts of all men is never fully extinguished. That small piece of hope keeps it alive. Hope that love will always be there.

Hope falls beyond our craving for mire compatibility with a woman in this world. It is the hope and knowledge that the ones we love will be there in the morning when we wake up. Hope in knowing that smell of her perfume that clings to the bed sheets will be there. Eager for that first smile, when she wakes up, and says, “good morning.” To see your own reflection in her eyes as you pour her a cup of coffee. To feel the butterflies all over again when she comes out of wearing that outfit she knows you like the best. There are loves that grow better with age, much like the wine that you share with her. There are loves that make you wish the ocean was always near, just to remember how the wind blew her hair into your face.

So ill end with this; for those of you who are lucky enough to have someone to hug and pour a cup of coffee today, those of you who can wake up and see their own personal happiness every day, always remember that first look, that first touch and never forget that first kiss. Happy Valentine’s Day!



I Hate Stuffed Animals in Cars! February 13, 2009

                Taking a break from my average love fest that I seem to display here in the Chateau, I am going to start mentioning things that I hate. Let’s make it, I Hate Fridays! In order to clear out all the bad joo-joo in time for the weekend.

So, let’s see, this week I noticed something that really got on my nerves. As I was driving around town, I saw an abundance of cars with an approximate 300 stuffed animals in their rear window dash thing.  I understand the concept of having doll, or A stuffed toy, but is it really necessary to display all of your life’s work in your car, to the annoyance of all?


My Dream, What does it mean? February 12, 2009

                Ok, two can play that game! My turn to tell about my dream!

Last night I had another one of those dreams that I hate to have. I rarely dream, but when I do, it is either incredibly awesome or overwhelmingly depressing, last night followed the latter. Maybe it is because for the first time in over ten years I do not have a Valentine! And my bitterness of that is showing. But I won’t trouble you with my feeble social life. I had a dream about an old girlfriend (no, not the last one for those of you that know me!), and this woman usually haunts my dreams on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.

A little back ground, we were together for a good amount of time, we loved each other very much and we ended our relationship on somewhat good terms. Needless to say, I didn’t want to let this girl go. Losing her was tough on me, and I wallowed in my typical self misery for a while. She hurt me pretty bad, and it still stings to think about how things ended and what could have been. So I guess my sub consciousness won’t ever let me rest from the memory of her.

Anyway, in my dream I was just sitting on my couch watching T.V., and she walks in my front door with her new boyfriend( I assume it was her boyfriend only because he was a guy and  walked in with her, I have no clue what her real boyfriend looks like). Needless to say, I was flabbergasted. But she walked past me as if I wasn’t even there, went up stairs with her boyfriend, into my room and they laid down on my bed. Yes, very random I know. I of course had to follow, asked what the she was doing here, she did not answer and proceeded to make out with her boyfriend. But the strange thing is that as she was kissing him, she was looking at me, not in a way you would expect in this situation, but looking at me, as if she had not seen me in years, and never loved me more, her eyes were always enchanting. It was very unsettling even for a dream.

I yelled at them, to respond to me, but they did not. After what seemed like hours of heart wrenching screaming on my part, they finally both looked at me, stood up, and started to walk out. I followed them downstairs, and out the door. They were about to get into their car when I stopped her by grabbing her arm and asking, “What the hell was that all about?” She smiled and looked like she was going to kiss me, but I looked at her boyfriend who was running at me, I knew, it was officially on! Somehow he was now dressed as a magician don’t know why, anyhow, I took the first swing, hitting his ribs. He then shattered into pieces. I laughed, turned towards her, and she was gone. I started to walk back to my house, and I heard the phone ring, only when answering, waking up and realizing it was my alarm clock.

So, what does it mean? It kills me how I wake up after dreaming of her always feeling like I lost her all over again. I miss her even more, after I wake up. But, after a few minutes in a hot shower and a cup of coffee later, I will have completely forgotten about her. Until next time I dream I guess, until next time. Is it because I miss her, or I hate her, or is it just a bunch of random thoughts? This certainly is a conundrum. 


Horoscopes, February 10, 2009

                So it has been a few days, since I last posted. Yep, my bad. I have been working on the greatest post in Chateau D’if history. Check back on V-day. 

Anyhow, horoscopes. Well first of all, count me out; you really can’t sell me on these kinds of things. If you have read about every post I have ever done, than you will know that I am a man of hope. I am a strong believer that we are in control of our own destiny. And the last thing we need is for some person with a crystal ball telling me how my weekend is going to be and also give me the winning lottery numbers.

So I have to ask, do you believe in horoscopes? Or do you agree with me in saying that they are a vague prediction that some people try to attach themselves to, to try and explain some wrongfulness in their lives? But then again, horoscopes are supposed to be vague so that they can have some sort of reference to somebody’s live.

 I wouldn’t not be surprised, that if you read all of the horoscopes for a day, that all of them will not apply to you in some way. Go ahead, try it. But here is the thing, don’t rely on some guy in a cubicle making $8.25 an hour to come up with these fake prophecies in a vain attempt to sell some more magazines. Rely on your own hope, your own faith, and make your own future. Rant over.


My Ode to Alcohol, February 6, 2009

Oh sweet nectar of the Gods, How I thank thee. Your sweet taste brings cheer not only to my tongue, but my heart. You have always been there for me, when I cried. You eased my pain, when it needed to be eased. I thank you for the good times you have brought me, and the strength you give me to conquer all my fears and inhibitions. I thank you for letting me remember the good times, and for making forget those same good times. I thank you for always being cold and willing to please me on my beckon call. You bring life to a new view; give it the sweetness of a mint julep. You provide me with the knowledge with your 12 year old whisky. I smile and I give a toast to you. Here is to you beer, for your bubbly goodness. Here is to whisky, for your strength and smoothness. Here is to tequila for your quick action and bravery.  Thank you, thank you thank you. Now let’s all get wasted!


The Pollen and The River, February 5, 2009

I want to tell you a story this time around. Will see how it goes.

                There was a young kid that used to live in the shadow of a river. He did what he could, when he could.  Every day on his way to school, he would pass a part in the river where he could see his reflection. Every day he would look down at the water. How it always rippled in the same direction and never stopped guiding the boy to where he was going. He saw all the plants grow around the river and wondered what it would be like to just be a flower for a day. Until one day this young boy of 17 finally sat down by this river of his, and looked at one flower that stood out above the rest. He saw how the bees would land on this flower over all others. The boy lied down on the bed of grass and shared the sun along with his new friend the flower.

He closed his eyes and imagined himself as small piece pollen within his friend the flower. And for one moment, he was at his nirvana. He was in a state of peace that could not wane, much like the river that fed the thirst of him and his flower. As he sat there, nestled in his flower, a bee flew over and landed right on top of him. He then found himself rising faster and faster into the air.  He could now fly. This little pollen that was at his peak of happiness was now flying, adding to his joy. As he drifted farther away from his bed with the flower, he saw the world that he was not able to see from the riverbed. He saw the ocean, the mountains and the sky. He closed his eyes and breathed in the sights that this bee was giving to him. He stretched out and soaked in more sun than he ever did by the water. Higher he went, higher the bee flew, and happier the little pollen was. He then felt light, as light as a peddle in his friend the flower.  He felt himself starting to fall, but slowly. Slowly he fell back towards the ground back to his home. And on his way down, he never stopped smiling.

Our young boy of 17 woke up then, a daze in his eyes from looking into the sun, his shirt sprinkled with leaves from a nearby tree. He sat up looking around himself, to see if he was still in the same place, and to his immense frustration, he was. He picked up his bag and went on his way, swatting a bee as he left the river behind him.


I Triple Dog Dare You! February 3, 2009

                I was young little buck. Just hanging out in the neighborhood doing what I could, and a bunch of stuff I couldn’t. Having tons of fun just riding around on the bikes. It was either jumping on the handle bars or hopping on the pegs. Tossing the pigskin around. Cruising the complex. Just a young kid of 13 looking for something to do. Having water fights with balloons we “bought” from the ice cream man. Then later playing some hide and seek till it was too dark to find a place to hide. Or until mom called me in to dinner. Just a bunch of kids, doing what kids do. July brought fireworks, and baseball games. Swimming at the public pool, and flirting with all the girls we were too afraid to talk to any other time. Sitting in the shade watching the cars go by. Shooting the breeze on a hot summer day.

                The happiness that is childhood always brings a smile to my face. I loved my life as a young kid, the life that didn’t know the difference between a tax return and a paycheck. My job was to grow, learn and have fun. Doing anything else would be frowned upon by others, immediately casting you away to the deepest, loneliest part of the playground. It was the code of the school yard. You don’t snitch; you don’t back down to dares (and yes you never back down from a triple dog dare!). Girls had coodies, and did not know how to play sports. School work was an exaggerated waste of time that took away from our precious play time. Who cares about learning cursive, we have a handball game in 10 minutes!

                Ok fine we are all “adults” now. You don’t have to remind me. But it is always good to remember what you once were. As I have always said, it doesn’t matter where you are headed, as long as you see where you just were. So what I am saying is, drop the pen, turn off the computer and head over to chucky cheese for some skeet ball!


Nostalgia, January 31, 2009

                What is nostalgia? Back to my good friend Webster, nostalgia isa wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition. I have seen it, nostalgia that is; grow a lot in our generation. I see it in everyday pop culture, fashion and music and ideas. I am not here to mock people yearning to return to a time in their life’s that may be simpler. I am just simply questioning the importance of relying on the ideals of those that came before us.

What was once popular in the times that we now call nostalgic, are still as vibrant as they once were in their hay day. People still listen to the music of Hendrix, Joplin, The Beatles, for what? Yes it is amazing music. But I wonder why we cling to the past? Are we afraid of the future? Or just don’t know how to make a culture of our own?

 I have come to this conclusion. We all want a second chance. We need that time in our life that passed us by to come back again. We need to remember the good memories. Remembering our past is living, and we all want to live more. So yes, I agree with this generation of nostalgic recollection. We even have the same ideologies of past leaders. Walk down the street and I will bet you, that you will see at least 10 people wearing a Che Guevara shirt, or even more prevalent is the recognizable face of Bob Marley. All want to be revolutionist, anarchist and rebels and leaders in their own respect. Granted all those mentioned above are enormous influences in every generation. But do we need to “borrow” the ideologies of others because we are afraid or not sure of our own impact on humanity? If any.

                “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” A wise man once said. But is repeating the past even that avoidable? Our mothers and fathers were once the rebels, anarchist, and revolutionaries that we aspire to be. And they also stood up to their parents the same way we do. We share the same fights, and have the aptitude to fight for what we believe. So I say yes. Live just like the past; continue the traditions and customs that our ancestors continued themselves. But always remember that there is a tomorrow, and we can only deepen the footprints of old, not create our own. That is, if you want to.